Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Note To President Obama
April 29, 2014

Quotation from page 441 of Monument To Murder
By Margaret Truman

“There are times when a man has to act to preserve what's precious to him, his family, his wealth, and his nation. The money you contribute each year to our group says to me that you understand what's at stake. I sure as hell don't intend to see my daughter injured by what's happened, and I also don't intend to see Fletcher Jamison's presidency torpedoed. We now have a man in the White house who shares our beliefs, who recognizes that this is a white Christian nation built upon the backs of European immigrants, who stands for what we stand for, small government, adherence to time-honored traditions of marriage and honor, fiscal responsibility, and an end to social welfare programs.” The man speaking this rant has just turned a private detective's location over to a secretive and very small department in the Federal government which has been set up specifically to eliminate troublemakers permanently. They are reached through the CIA. The book also states that this department killed John and Robert Kennedy. There were many rumors at the time that the CIA was the source of the assassinations. It was a very dark time.

I'm sure this book is purely fiction, but the way the CIA operates sometimes, the Iran-Contra affair, for instance, makes this story a little too plausible. This is the kind of thing I fear when I see things like the collection of the telephone information on large numbers of American citizens, “just in case” it might be needed later. We desperately need to keep the rule of law firmly in place, even when “national security” is involved. The CIA or the NSA or whoever's doing it each time, can take the time and energy required to get the permission of a judge before taking action.

I hate to see Snowden basically imprisoned in Russia because he exposed the NSA's activity. Please keep this Democratic administration clean and operating within the law. That's the kind of America I am proud of. Of course, I know that being President is a complicated and difficult thing, and I think for the most part you have done well, but that incident did bother me a great deal. Thanks for reading this. I am behind you and am proud that I voted for you.

Lucy Warner

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