Sunday, March 8, 2015

My International Audience

March 8, 2015

I have been keeping statistics for about a year on how many readers I have and where they live. Sometimes the readership on a daily basis has been as high as the 70s, and sometimes as low as ten or less. Most often it is in the twenties to thirties. They come from a wide range of European countries and some in Asia. Fewer are in South America or Africa. A few have come from Saudi Arabia. The UK has always been represented, but not in great numbers. For a mysterious two to three weeks there was a contingent of thirty or so in Malaysia, and then suddenly they all fell away. That was before the airline crash occurred last year, so I was at a loss to explain it. A few have come back recently.

For a couple of weeks or so there was a group of around twenty in Russia, and then – when the passenger plane was shot down over Ukraine – all of my Russian readers also disappeared overnight. There has been a constant presence, sometimes under five a day, and other times in the twenties, in Ukraine and just this last week one reader in Moldavia has joined me. I had to look it up on Wikipedia – it is beside Ukraine. Eastern Europeans may be curious to see what American think, and possibly are in sympathy with our views.

One woman in the Ukraine actually sent me two emails. I wish more would write me. I really do like people from other countries. The G+ symbol on the day's blog will bring you to a site where I and others who are in circles together can be reached. There's a lively interaction there every day, including very nice photographs and news articles, and very few “trolls.” I have also put my personal email there for those who wish to use it in a proper and respectful manner. If you leave me an email offering a wonderful financial deal or a proposition of some more offensive kind, I will move your email over to my SPAM folder. Otherwise, I would really enjoy hearing from you. Bless you all!

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