Saturday, April 25, 2015

Right, Left and Race – Valdosta State
April 25, 2015

This looks like the kind of conflict that some rightists have claimed is bound to happen, and who are even hoping twill happen – events leading to “race war.” If these stories below are accurate, there is a black supremacist group behind the black outrage following the events at Ferguson. There is no question that such a group was at the center of the group at Valdosta. I don't, however, believe that far left black radicals are actually, behind the matter at Ferguson and beyond, but rather a widespread public repulsion at the police tactics that have been uncovered in so many cases in which video was provided to show the whole scene. It has simply become impossible for police to hide now.

Police preventing photographers from making videos and photos where they are operating and even making arrests, grabbing cameras, etc., is basically unconstitutional, yet it has occurred in Ferguson and other places in the last six or more months. Likewise a number of states have begun making laws against the Internet sharing of those videos. It's a clear case of some police supporting right wing activists and countering the left or liberal groups. Unfortunately the more moderate left is only trying to bring about a public awareness of what the right is working toward – control by force. These things need to be challenged in court.

There is no statement from the black group at Valdosta in either article giving their beliefs and overall purpose. There were a number of highly inflammatory comments quoted on the Conservative Treehouse website by both radical blacks by and equally incensed conservative/whites. This is the kind of conflict filled interactions that will not produce peaceful and just communities, no matter where we stand on the issues. We need town meetings, local mayors, policemen and city councilmembers, as well as socially conscious nonviolent activists of a reasonable and moderate sort who can work to change public opinion in each community. Meanwhile, however, we should not be having policemen preventing the public recording of such incidents or of policemen in action.

Protester at Valdosta State details impact of slavery
By Joe Adgie
Posted: Tuesday, April 21, 2015

VALDOSTA — With two American flags, a Bible and a Koran on the ground, a protester at Valdosta State University spoke Monday of the lingering effects of slavery in American society.

E.J. Sheppard, calling himself a member of the UNPrison Free Spirit, the Gatherers of Divine Souls and the New Black Panther Party, engaged those counter-protesting against the groups’ use of the American flag in a Friday incident that received international attention.

“White privilege is an unearned privilege that white people have that is allotted to them because of the system of white supremacy, that is built on the system of African demise,” Sheppard said.

Sheppard said the Bible represents what he sees as Africans being forcibly indoctrinated into Christianity, and the Koran represents Arabs forcibly indoctrinating them into Islam.

“What does the Bible have to do with African enslavement? Did Africans come over here praising Jesus? You have to understand, that religion was forced on us,” Sheppard said.

“So you all don’t get a misconception that we’re all Muslims, no. In 700 AD, we were enslaved under the Arabs in East Africa and the Middle East.”

Sheppard said he did not see whites as friends to him.

“I do not see a friend, I do not see a beneficiary to my existence, especially if you’re not using your white privilege to take down the system of racism and white supremacy, which is plaguing my existence and the existence of my principle,” Sheppard said.

“You have white privilege by virtue of your skin. When other whites see you that have authority at these institutions, they are going to give you a leg up, simply because you appear to them as a sister. I appear to them as other than that, or as other than kin.”

Follow Up: Exposing The VSU “Protest Group” Marching On Flag… *UPDATE* Identified Group was armed – University Alert – Police Now Seeking Suspect Eric Sheppard Jr. – Video Added: “Armed and Dangerous”…
Posted on April 21, 2015 by sundance

UPDATE:  Since we exposed the individual(s) and group, VSU has nowissued an alert.  Apparently the group was armed during the event, and the primary agitator is to be considered “armed and dangerous.”

UPDATE #2:  Media now beginning to report on Eric Sheppard Jr and here’s a local news report showing him in a confrontation with police while lying about his threats and being armed.

The MSM picked up the aspect to the story where Air Force veteran Michelle Manhart confronted the group, picked up the flag and subsequently found herself in a confrontation with the groups advocates and the police. (backstory)

However, despite the media interest, and with numerous media outlets seeking a larger understanding as to the cause of the incident, no-one from the protesting group would speak to the media:

[…] The demonstrators declined to identify their group to The Valdosta Daily Times or speak with a reporter about their cause, but they did engage VSU students in heated debate. (link)

Why would the group refuse to identify themselves?  What is the purpose of the group?  Who, and what exactly, are VSU administrators allowing to take place on their campus?
The protestors obviously want to avoid sunlight, so we dig a little deeper and share what exactly their purpose was.

The group self identifies as a Black Supremacy movement seeking the elimination of all white influences upon their lives.  This is the same group who supports the conspiracy theory behind the death of Kendrick Johnson; and these are the same social justice advocates who are the foot soldiers for the professionally black Grievance Industry.

To better understand their position LISTEN HERE (FB Video).   A more vulgar version of their screed (they didn’t know they were being recorded) is AVAILABLE HERE.

When civil rights attorneys Benjamin Crump, Daryl Parks, Natalie Jackson,  and media financing entities like Russell Simmons et al, dispatch their calls to the social justice warriors to activate their protests – the group represented at this VSU protest are the people who respond.

Generally in the same ideological vein as the New Black Panther Party:

….these are the same people behind the “F**k The Police” movement, and the “Black Lives Matter” movement.  They are also aligned with the “Black Brunch” groups who you might have seen disrupting lunches to advance their race-driven causes.

Whenever an opportunity presents itself they immediately respond to advocate for their overall grievances.  Ferguson to New York, to Madison, to Charlottesville, to North Charleston, to Baltimore and to Valdosta State University… the construct of their social justice cause continually looking for an opportunity for an audience; and a complicit media more than willing to sell their narrative.

Perhaps now, with a larger context, the recent sunlight in Memphis Tennessee makes a little more sense:

…all connected to the same ideological world view.


zephyrbreeze says:

April 21, 2015 at 4:13 pm
Funny how the term “Black Supremacy Group” didn’t make it into the articles.
But it doesn’t mean some of the media didn’t know. Willful blindness.
peachteachr says:

April 22, 2015 at 12:30 am
I am going to tag in to these earliest comment to give you all some of the latest in local flavor. The protesters claimed to be aligned with the Black Panther Party and really identify with their early views of death to the oppressors aka “whitey”.
Someone earlier asked if there was a leadership problem at VSU and I shared that the fairly new President had just turned in his resignation. Turns out Pres. McKinney showed up plastered (drunk) to a big VSU function and so he was forced to resign. So I guess the U is somewhat rudderless.
One last piece of info which is interesting is that Kendrick Johnson’s 22 year old sister, Kenyetta, was shot in a car yesterday at @ 2AM. Just saying.
Lastly, the mayor of Valdosta is stepping into the breech and there will be a big rally supporting the flag and apple pie on Friday. I’ll share more as I know more.
peachteachr says:

April 22, 2015 at 1:23 am
You are so safe in Valdosta when you travel. Please do not judge this fabulous community by a few bad apples. There has always been a triangle of the Moody Air Force Base, the city, and the college that has developed a vivacious community.
georgiafl says:

April 22, 2015 at 5:12 pm
I agree with Peachteachr – Valdosta was my hometown for many years and is a safe, conservative city. This perfidy will not stand there. The citizens will rise up and meet this head on. Believe me.

brayingjackass says:
April 23, 2015 at 11:07 am
I don’t see the VSU stating that all students involved will be suspended immediately like was done to the Oklahoma students and these students are actually threatening death and violence.

lilbirdee'12 says:
April 22, 2015 at 12:50 am
Peachteachr, I believe I read that the Mayor of Valdosta has declared April 24 to be Flag Day in the City. They are pulling out all the stops to hold back the tide of American Pride bearing down on their do-nothing, tamp-it-down response to the disgraceful protestors.

John C Hall Jr says:
April 22, 2015 at 4:45 pm
Dr. Mckinney did not show up plastered drunk…get your facts straight…it was a member of his administration that was intoxicated after an event and she resigned. I am a 1982 Valdosta State Graduate. Dr. Mckinney has been under siege due to the commie faculty that was furious that one of their own got canned. They hounded Dr. McKinney and he resigned this month. I should know…I had written Dr. Mckinney about the commie professor and that professor started attacking me as an alumni….Dr. Mckinney shut the professor down for the attacks…..btw I am sure the commie faculty approved of what the black panthers were doing…I hope they are happy now…

Roy says:
April 21, 2015 at 4:15 pm
WOW! What a great job exposing those agitators. It’s nice to know the college had no interest in their activity. It must be because someone in admin knew who they were and approved.
I’m sure their firearms are legal so there’s no need for police to check up on them.

At A Georgia University, Tension Between Free Speech, Patriotism Sparks Protest
Eyder Peralta
April 24, 2015

Video – Protestors came in on motocycles – Matt Belanger 

An incident that sparked tensions between the ideals of patriotism and free speech has culminated in a mass protest that shut down the campus of Valdosta State University in south Georgia on Friday.

According to several local media outlets, thousands of protesters from around the state flooded onto the college campus to fly American flags.

Reporter Matt Belanger, of Atlanta's WSB-TV, reported that protesters came in on motorcycles, carried large and small flags and chanted "U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.!"

All of this started last weekend, when Air Force veteran Michelle Manhart tried to take an American flag from protesters who were desecrating it. The incident made regional news, because someone recorded the confrontation on video (careful, there's a fleeting expletive):

"This belongs actually to the entire United States," Manhart is heard saying in the video. But one of the protesters tells a police officer that the flag actually belongs to her and he should take it away from Manhart.

Eventually police use force to do just that and the person recording the video asks the police officers repeatedly why they didn't defend the American flag.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the university banned Manhart from its campus and Dr. William J. McKinney, the university president, wrote a letter addressing the incident.

He said the university has an unwavering commitment to military veterans. But it also has an unwavering commitment to the ideal of free expression.

McKinney explained:

"While we respect the strong feelings held by many regarding our nation and its symbols, we also respect the rights of our students, faculty, and staff to express themselves through constitutionally protected symbolic expression in an environment that encourages, rather than discourages, civil debate. The events of April 17, and those in its aftermath, display just such expression.

"In 1989, the U.S. Supreme Court decided in the Texas v. Johnson case that the First Amendment protects symbolic political expression, even with the American flag. As Justice Brennan stated in that decision, 'If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.'"

For their part, the organizers of today's protest said they were protesting at the university campus to "show the school, the [Black Panther Party, which they believe was the group that desecrated the flag] and the Airmen of Moody Air Force Base that we will not waiver in standing up for of nation, our flag or our soldiers. Please join us and pass this around."

Closest thing I've seen to trouble so far: Police break up group taking photo in the middle of the street @wsbtv
2:35 PM - 24 Apr 2015 · Valdosta, GA, United States

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