Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Doctor Of Common Sense

E T Williams, JANUARY 30, 2016

The disgusting diatribes of E T Williams – anti everything civilized – are literally shocking to me. According to Williams, every intellectually inclined, progressive American or European is “an elitist.” He probably goes along with the idea that studying in school is “acting white.” If he is a sample of a “real” black man of “the people,” then I admit to being an elitist, and I’m glad of it. I want social and economic progress in this country, not either of the two opposing sides both of which are equally radical and mindlessly anarchist. His website The Doctor Of Common Sense blasts every moderate and well educated black person, especially Barack Obama and including Jesse Jackson and Oprah Winfrey. See below for some samples of his “work.”

I do wonder who his audience is. Some approving comments from Glenn Beck and features on Fox News give a hint, as well as “news” from The Daily Mail, a scandal sheet listed on Wikipedia as a tabloid. Williams also has one of those radio call-in talk shows, which almost always draw the fringe of alarmist thinkers and the wildest pseudo-news, including space aliens and Bigfoot. All fascists and general rabble rousers, no matter what their color, are working together for what goal? The destabilization of the nation we have built since 1865, I believe. We white and black “elitists” have worked for economic and social fairness under the rule of law, and yes, the “improvement” of individual Americans. Why should I not want voters to be able to read a newspaper?

That is the ideal for a democracy. Without a still more progressive set of laws including those made for the purpose of leveling the playing field between rich and poor -- which is at this time as divergent as that of the “Roaring Twenties” according to a recent news article -- we have in practice, though not in theory, an oligarchy with the goal of manipulating the American voter into electing radical rightists or leftists. They are using racism, religion, election manipulation and the American Dream” class system to do that.

Neither group, the far right or the far left, is good for a peaceful society. Sanders, by the way, is not a radical but a man working for economic and legal fairness, which we do need immensely in this country, despite the advances since the Civil Rights movement. The “conservatives” have had their feet on the brakes during this whole time. Lyndon Johnson did manage to push through some very good changes, but the fight against all such things has been fierce ever since I can remember. Even in the relatively peaceful 1950s the KKK and other such groups have frequently been in the news in various parts of the country, including some in the North.

The peace-loving Middle Class and the struggling poor are being pushed aside, and it truly worries me. Democracy is not made “fair and balanced” by drawing together the black and white haters for a slugfest, but by enlightened discussion among the moderates, the open-minded, and those who are actually concerned about serious problems like environmental stability and increasingly intense poverty, police brutality and more. Our arguments and pursuits as citizens should be about those things rather than about punishing the LGBT element for their probably innate tendencies. A gay couple absolutely needs to be able to buy their wedding cake with no interference. Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, recently refused a lesbian couple’s request over their religious views. Oregon’s Bureau of Labor and Industries has charged them with violating anti-discrimination laws and ordered them to pay the couple $135, 000 in damages. The bakers are “taking the case to a higher court.” See:

This man Williams hates gays as much as the fundamentalist Christian and their Islamic counterparts do. In fact, he seems to hate pretty much everybody. Thank goodness most citizens will relegate him to the wacko fringe group and certainly not be influenced by his views. He’s in the same class as Rush Limbaugh who has been going down in his level of influence in the last couple of years due to some really foulmouthed and racist comments; Glenn Beck who unfortunately is still going strong; and the whole Fox News crew who haven’t changed much since they went on the air. It’s really interesting that Fox commentator Megyn Kelly lambasted Trump recently and that Fox is actually standing up for her on her comments. It is a slight ray of sunshine on a persistently cloudy day.

To see Williams in action, go to the sites mentioned below. If this blog article doesn’t give you “enough already” about Williams, go to the Net and look him up for yourself. The video about the “phony” and gay predilection of Obama is not to be missed. It sounds like a clip from some of the worst Fox News bloviators. To give credit where it’s due, I owe that magnificent word to Mr. Bill O’Reilly from Fox. When I had cable I used to tune the TV to that channel occasionally just to see what the cast of characters there were saying. O’Reilly is the most entertaining of the bunch.


Obama Is A Nightmare, Impeach The Bastard - YouTube
Video for e.t. williams Obama gay▶ 5:18

Jun 18, 2012 - Uploaded by The Doctor Of Common Sense
Check Out My Other Station Called "Thetruthdamit" Obama Is A Nightmare, Impeach ... Happened To Common Sense, ET Williams on Common Sense, Obama is a clown, Stop ... Homosexual Movement: Beautiful or Insane?

The Gay Mafia Is Upset With ET Williams - YouTube
Video for e.t. williams Obama gay▶ 6:59
Mar 28, 2013 - Uploaded by The Doctor Of Common Sense
The Gay Mafia Is Upset With ET Williams, You are dude if you have a penis, you ... Obama & Homosexuals are destroying the Damn Country ...

E.T. Williams: The Doctor of Common Sense PlayList
Obamacare Fraud and Playing The Race Card with ET Williams ... NEW COMEDY STATION http://www.yout ofCommonSense?f ...

Muslims & Liberals Upset About Goat Videos. Youtube Tries ...
Aug 23, 2014 - Youtube Tries Banning ET Williams TAKE THE POLL: ... NEW COMEDY STATION Join The Talk ...

Muslims In Germany Get Handouts On How Not To Rape Women And Piss In Public
The Doctor Of Common Sense
Published on Jan 30, 2016

Muslims In Germany Get Handouts On How Not To Rape Women And Piss In Public – For this article see also

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We award ET Williams,,,The Dr. of... - Real ... - Facebook
We award E.T. Williams,,,The Dr. of Commonsense with the 2014 R.E.M. AWARD ... NEW COMEDY STATION

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